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Committed to only High Quality Service

Building quality standards

Design & Build Package
K Blythin Brick & Stonework Ltd is experienced family run business from Chester with over 60 years combined experience in the brick and stone-working trade. We can handle all manner of brickwork and stonework from pointing & brick laying to cladding & drystone walls. We are qualified in heritage practices meaning we can assist with restoration and improvements to listed properties and buildings of historical importance.
We offer the highest quality Brick & Stonework Services around the north-west
Explore Brick & Stonework Projects
Some of our brick & Stonework Projects
Repointing Bridge

Sandstone Wall & Stairs

Wall restoration

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Why Choose Us
Lime Mortar Specialists
Why use Lime Mortar?
Most Properties prior to the 1880’s were constructed using lime mortar, this natural material has been used for over 2000 years and has an amazing ability to be malleable and adapt to its environment. Its flexibility allows buildings to undergo movement and settlement without serious damage being caused to the historic masonry or brick fabric, whereas buildings constructed in the more rigid cement often show unsightly settlement cracks through joints and components alike.
Cement became popular in the Victorian Period due to its low cost and quick setting time. While lime can take days to cure, cement can cure in a matter of hours. However when cement pointing is applied over traditional lime mortar, it results in damp being trapped behind the pointing which then increases the decay of the surrounding brick or masonry fabric.
Reapplication of traditional lime mortar can help dry out your building and give new life to the historic fabric. When applied by our skilled and trained craftsmen it can give your property a neat and well cared for appearance.
Each project will have a tailor made mix unique to the historic fabric it is applied to. Our craftsmen will examine the existing mortar and match the new mix by using local sands.